jeudi 11 octobre 2018 › | |
›13:00 (1h30)
Session 1- Panel 1: Old Age
PANEL 1 : Old Age Chair : Alia Soliman, University College London, UK Speakers: Kiki Berk, Southern New Hampshire University, USA Beauvoir on Death and Aging Ruth E. Groenhout, University of North Carolina, USA Agency and Aging: Beauvoir and the Invisibility of Older Women Kathleen Lennon, University of Hull, UK The Grip of the Past › salle 027C du bâtiment la halle aux farines
›13:00 (1h30)
Session 2-Panel 4: Repercussions of Schopenhauer, Hegel and Marx
Chair : Meng Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Speakers: Elaine Stavro, Trent University, Canada An Existential Supplement to Marxism: Simone de Beauvoir’s Thoughts on Democratic Socialism Mariana Teixeira, CEBRAP, Brazil Beauvoir and Fanon on the Vicissitudes of Recognition: Politicizing Hegel in Post-war France Christine Battersby, University of Warwick, UK Beauvoir’s Early Passion for Schopenhauer: On Becoming a Self. › amphi Buffon
›14:30 (15min)
›14:45 (1h30)
Session 1- Panel 2: Diverse Experiences
Chair : Karen Zoppa, University of Winnipeg, Canada Speakers: Sarah M. Gorman, Vanderbilt University, USA The Coming of Age and Disability Studies A. Alexander Antonopoulos, Concordia University, Canada Two New Conceptions of “Experience”: Problematizations from Beauvoir’s Political Writings and Philosophical Writings Karen Vintges, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands Feminism Versus Neoliberalism: Women’s Freedom Practices in World Perspective › salle 027C du bâtiment la halle aux farines
›14:45 (1h30)
Session 2- Panel 5: Existentialism, Litterature, and Politics
Chair : Araceli Hernández-Laroche, University of California, USA Speakers: Lior Dina Levy, University of Haifa, Israel Beauvoir and Arendt on Action and Judgment Karen Zoppa, University of Winnipeg, Canada Beauvoir After Derrida: Ambiguity and Différance Li Meng, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University What would Simone de Beauvoir say? The Nth Sex? : Portrayals of Chinese Intellectual Women and Their Dilemmas in China’s Popular Media › amphi Buffon
›16:15 (15min)
›16:30 (1h30)
Session 1- Panel 3: Audiences and Interpretations
Chair : Tessa Nunn, Duke University, USA Speakers:Marine Rouch, University of Toulouse, France Simone de Beauvoir and her female readers: from the fifties to nowadays Beth Parkes, University of Birmingham, UK Beauvoir and feminism in the UK Barbara Klaw, Northern Kentucky University Reading Beauvoir’s Early Writings, 1926-30, as a Philosophy of Self-Help › salle 027C du bâtiment la halle aux farines
›16:30 (1h30)
Session 2- Panel 6: New Readings of Beauvoir’s Ethics
Chair : Leo Munday, University of South Alabama, USA Speakers: Rebecca C. Conklin and Derek Tanios Imad Mkhaie, Michigan State University, USA Ethics, Entanglement, and Radical Freedom: Toward a New Materialist Reading of The Ethics of Ambiguity Erin Graff Zivin, University of Southern California, USA Deconstructing de Beauvoir: Ethical Feminism beyond Subjectivity and Alterity Ellie Anderson, Pitzer College, Claremont, USA Valuing Difference and Constructing Identity: Beauvoir’s Place in the Philosophy of Love › amphi Buffon
›18:00 (2h)
Session | Discours | Logistique | Pause | Sortie |